Friday, September 16, 2005

Convocation Day

Convocation Day
Hey, BIG DAY today at Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay. It is Convocation Day, meaning, the day when every soul who was ever tortured (This is the Internal Firewall at IIT B. Your typing is being scrutinised, Mr. Umarji) for four years, or two years as the case may be, will be set free by the awarding of the degree. This is what the person strived for in the first place, isn't it?

No! The only thing the people here strived for was maybe the unlimited photo copies the Professors dole out for the students to read. Or the completing of assignments and lab reports on the day before the submission or viva voce. (Mr. Umarji, this is your second warning. Sensitive and True information about IIT Bombay cannot be divulged outside IIT B campus.)

So, as I was saying the student life over here at IIT is really hectic, if so small a word as hectic can be used to represent the state of the poor IITians. Man, they really personify the word slogging! You should see me and my friends when we are completing our assignments or studying for an upcoming quiz. We are a bunch of nervous wrecks. You probably know about this. Why else do you think all the IITians head for America after Graduation? America is the only place left in this world for morons! And besides, they have the world's best psychiatrists.

Which reminds me, I have yet to complete the earlier post on The Plight of The American. Hey wait, there's some body at my door.

Me : Who is it?
Burly man : This is the Network Officer for Secrets EXchange (NO SEX)
Me : What do you want to see me for?
B M : You are in violation of Protocol 23334573, Section H, regarding the divulging of Internal Secrets of the Indian Institute of Technology.
Me : Uh oh!

Ha ha ha. I was just kidding about all that stuff I wrote about IIT B, you know. Its really a swell place to be in. In fact, the people here are so nice, they let you access the Internet for free! I mean, if this is not bliss, what is? I think that you guys can read between the lines. I'm going to use a sort of code now.

IIT B is the best Institution in the whole country (Read between the next two lines)

Line 1
The SEX NO is standing behind me!
Line 2

Ha, so as I was saying, its the best place there could ever be. And no, it doesn't have any secrets to speak of. So, do give me a visit here, and if you can, please ask my Lawyer to get in touch with me as soon as he can!

1 comment:

Radgovin said...

All you people out there : IIT Bombay is IN FACT the BEST Institution in India. No, in the WHOLE world. All I've said over here is just for fun. And no. There is no such thing as a SEX NO!