Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Engagement Day

It is official, I can pen it down on my blog now. I am getting engaged soon. And my thoughts can be classified into two categories

1. Wow!
2. Shit!

[Note here that alphabetically, the second thought should precede the first thought. However, I am an optimist and I prefer to have the happy thoughts (as if!) before the dreaded ones!]


1. I am going to have to be responsible for more than one person now. Earlier, I was responsible for only one person. Here's a little quiz for people with little IQ: Who was the person that I wasearlier responsible for?

2. I am going to have to make public appearances with my fiance at various family, social and official gatherings. It is required by decree number two hundred and thirty six of the Laws for the Torture of the to be Married Man

3. I will have access to a joint account, and that is a good thing, because I earn peanuts

4. Since I am about to be engaged, I can flirt all I want without fear of any retribution because my fiancee knows that I am an outrageous flirt [she reads this blog and she has been privy to my conversations with meghan! ;)] And if the other girl minds my doing this, well that is her problem! :)

5. No question of parental pressure for looking out for the right girl and visiting 'N' places to "see" the girl as I am getting engaged to the girl of my choice!


1. I am going to have to be responsible for more than one person now.

2. I am going to have to make public appearances with my fiance at various family, social and official gatherings.

3. I will have access to a joint account, and that is a bad thing, because my fiancee will get to see all the things I spend money on [note to self: must cancel all subscriptions to debonair, playboy, hustler, etc.! :(]

4. Since I am about to be engaged, I can flirt all I want without fear of any retribution because my fiancee knows that I am an outrageous flirt. Unfortunately, flirting is about all I can do from now on! :( [note to fiance: flirting was all that I did till date. Really! Ask MD, Shiva about it!]

5. No question of parental pressure for looking out for the right girl and visiting 'N' places to "see" the girl as I am getting engaged to the girl of my choice! So, for good or for bad, through thick and thin [should be through fat and thin, because I weigh in excess of 290 pounds, whereas she is in the early hundreds; so we kind of complement each other.] and through happy times and sad, I am going to have to live with my choice. Not that I have any complaints on this aspect, but what the heck, I needed a fifth point! :)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey! Congratulations to you and your feather-weight fiancee!! About your optimisim, I'd like to quote something on the lines of O'Toole: "Radgovin is an optimist". [:)]