Friday, November 02, 2007

News Updates

In a fit of egocentricity, I have subscribed to my own blogs in Google Reader. If you are not aware of what google reader is, you can find out here: Google Reader

And on this page, you will find the articles that I feel people all over the world should be reading: Here!!!

Anyway, since I have subscribed to the "feed" I was feeling pretty irritated not to have got my daily dose of humour in these times of dire world wide depression. You might be wondering what depression, but believe me, we are living in real bad times. Here's a sampling of news that I have from BBC News, courtesy of BBC. (These are real headlines, I am not makn

1. Egypt ruling party opens Congress [What the heck is an Egyptian party doing by "opening" up the Congress? What does opening mean, anyway?]

2. N Korea nuclear shut down to start [N Korea already has nuclear power plants in operation which have reached shut down stage. And we are still stuck at the procurement of technology and nuclear fuel stage!]

3. Japan quake risk "underestimated" [I am worried here. How badly was the risk underestimated? What will be the implications of an earthquake measuring 200 gazillion on the Richter scale?]

4. Mexico head pledges disaster head [Obviously, the article speaks about some big shot pledging financial aid. However, seems quite funny to imagine a head and only a head going around distributing dollars to all and sundry!]

5. Rice subpoenaed in spying trial [What next? Brinjals subpoenaed for potato-tomato sex scandal? Cucumbers subpoenaed for their involvement in personal assistance for sexual gratification?]

Anyway, since I was getting irritated at not receiving any booger updates, I got around to reading BBC feeds. And while reading through such morbid tales from macabre lands, I had a vision and this led me to the realization: I will not receive updates till I write a blog article myself! Also, I realized, as I mentioned earlier, that we are living in depressing times.

More later.


P. S. Tomorrow happens to be my engagement. That is adding fuel to the fire. [reference: we didn't start the fire]

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