Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Gymnasium Ad nauseam

I wonder how many of my readers have had a chance to take a bath in a bathroom that is frequented by other people. Not simultaneously, of course. I am referring to the bathrooms at your swanky gyms and spas, where people have taken baths before you and will take baths after you, leaving you wondering: How the heck did he get the shampoo up there? No, really. At the gymnasium where I copulate... oops I meant at the gymnasium which I populate... Seems like there is something wrong with my keyboard. It types c some times when I want to type p. Its probably a good thing that there are no such words as plitoris or punt or pervical pyst having meanings entirely different from their c countercarts!

Anyway, coming back to the topic at shower. I find that there are people who manage to get shampoo, soap and other bodily fluids onto the shower head! How disgusting is that? I mean, sure, I can understand getting some soap onto the tap, because you might want to turn it on after you've soaped yourself. But how the heck do you explain the soap on the top of the shower head? What was the person before you trying to do? Was he some weird, kamasutric tantric who was figuring out a new way of pleasure? Cryptic tales of the bathroom 'bater would be a great headline for local newspapers reporting this phenomenon.

And of course, there are those hirsute males you see going into the bathroom just before you do and you know you should puke before entering, because that is what you are bound to do anyway once you enter the bathroom. These guys have at least one hundred zillion hair follicles, and that is just in their ears. And most of the hair growing from these follicles is expendable. They can discharge several tonnes of hair and still weigh the same, probably because their public [or is it pubic?] hair has an amazing growth rate. I shudder to think what would happen should such people decide to work as fashion models. The amount of money spent on razors to shave them would be mind boggling! :)

Worse still, if they start making food for you - yuck! Don't get me started on that. Much as this blog is given to risque, disgusting and revolting discussions, there are some things that even a blog of this stature should cease and desist from. Hair in the food? Or hair as food? Blechhh!

Even the Japanese people will "sweat" on that one!



Shiva said...

Absolutely rib tickling one this... Was laughing all the way through... This deserves more comments n readers!

Anonymous said...

sounds like somethin vd discuss at the office cooler na ;)

copulate populate was funnyyy.. M sure office is dull as ditchwater without u there :)