Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Things to do for Today

The following is the result of boredom from waiting for the anti-virus scan to finish so that I can get back to my work. The most famous (and also the most resource intensive) anti-virus software consumes so much of my processing time, I cannot even copy-paste (which is what I do most of the time!)

Disclaimer: I have not tried any of the following myself. I am just suggesting the same for killing time and trying to raise a laugh. The reader agrees to indemnify me if upon executing some of the strategies mentioned here, the reader faces some action in the form of blockage of internet access, severe castration, etc.

For the bored executive (Huh?) at work: a compendium of some things to do today -

1. Find out the network admin's email id and send him hate email from new accounts created daily at some obscure email service site. (Hint: use his/her email id when signing up)

2. Find out the email id of a co-worker you really hate and sign him/her up for all sorts of newsletters from all sorts service providers: askmen.com, national geographic, erotica daily [I am not sure if this exists, but it should! :)] google news, etc.

3. While you are waiting for the anti-virus scan to finish, call up a friend outside the company and ask him/her to download some viruses and email them to all the employees of your unit from a new email id. Alternately, ask him/her to sign everyone up at some risque sites! (esp. the admin)

4. Call up a friend and ask him/her to annoy your boss with missed/blank calls, esp. at a time when you know you are going to be with your boss.

5. And for the coup de grace: after taking a backup of your hard-disk, run some virus on your system to clean your hard-disk and blame everyone, including the sweeper for the loss of your hard work!

Disclaimer (again!): I repeat, I am not to be held responsible for action against the reader for following the above tasks! :)

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