Wednesday, November 07, 2007

New Contributor

Dear Reader,

Just when you thought you could not handle any more of the profane, progressively regressive, proliferating,  promiscuous, promulgating and prosthetic articles that regularly find their way on to this blog; Just when you had given up all hope of the world improving because terrorists all over the world were catching on to my innovative ideas (Idea 1, Idea 2, Idea 3) and are creating mayhem all over the world; just when you thought that maybe the sniper you sent to do away with me was successful in executing his contract - Just when you are on the border of insanity - I have come up with a brilliant master plan! (because I am a contract manager by profession!)

From today onwards, I am inviting on this blog, a new contributor. Dear reader, welcome to the worst of your nigthmares - welcome to the world of two bloggers [who may I add are fiance and fiancee] who are committed to provide unbiased, unethical and unnerving booger articles unendingly. (also defined as ad nauseam) I ask all of you to please welcome, with baited breath, the new contributor: Ms. Fiancee [or MsF for short!] :)


Here's her first post: (with the bold statements in brackets being my comments!)

What else can be more genuine than this scenario: a guy who's "destined" to marry a girl asks her, "Will you marry me?"

Yeah, right. As if he had a choice! But then on second thoughts or a more positive note (positive??? That can be nominated as the oxymoron of the millennium, marriage and positive…are you kidding me??) Never mind, on a more positive note, the proposal (huh?) can be taken as a compliment that slipped out in spite of cautious optimism.

Incase you have understood the above scenario, please revert back to the writer and try and push in some sense. I think that statement was verbal diarrhoea that happened after the mental clogs, which were blocked since eons, were removed from the amateur writers' mind. This can be taken as a situation exactly opposite to that of the writer's block. (which the original writer of this blog somehow never seems to face!) In fact I think this can very well be nominated for readers' block, where the poor captive (or should I say captured?) reader tries to block himself from the trauma trying to read and decipher the writers' blabber. (Unfortunately, the readers of this particular blog are too familiar with this particular aspect)

The reason you are reading through these lines (Hurray!!! I have my very first reader), is that I have after serious musings agreed to put up my posts on Random musings of a Questioning mind. (much to the chagrin of the original writer!) Hey, I can hear you cry out loud….It must be out of joy of course!!! Where else are you going to find two boogers consistently improvising on writing absolute non-sense with an entertaining style?

Now, in true Oscar style I would like to take this opportunity to convey my thanks to Radgovin who has been generous enough to let me upload figments of my random neural firings on his page. (I know that he's doing this as a desperate attempt to increase the readers on the page…why he even subscribes to his own blogs!!!) (okay, two things: firstly, I make the comments in the brackets. and second, I resent being called a publicity stuntman on my own blog! I have no more than some three hundred subscriptions to my own blog from different google reader accounts!)

Ahem…that's all for the first one. Promise to get back with better blogs….till then Wish you a very Happy Diwali and a Prosperous New Year!!!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey tht's an interesting conversation movin in & out of brackets.. nice one.. i'll be looking forward to this joint venture ( or adventure wud be appropriate?) .. but i hope this is not another publicity stunt of urs :D