Thursday, January 18, 2007

Musings about nothing

Once in a while, you realize, other than the fact that you are almost 25 years of age and still a virgin... oops, I mean a Virgo that there is a blog which you used to maintain regularly in your youth, which was in your heydays of not too long ago (three hundred gazillion years!) All this can lead you to become depressed. I realize that I am speaking in the third person about a person who himself is a third person (in terms of the size and weight and the volume he occupies, which is roughly the size of a small Lakshadweep island) I digress. Let me come to the point at hand, which is, nothing!

I don't have anything to write about. The old gray cells have gone for a toss. I think it is the result of having too much of the good stuff. Take for example this statement I am going to make, which I believe will shed some light on my current situation: I can't remember for the life of me, where I read that drinking alcohol causes loss of memory. I guess that pretty much sums up my life as of now. The girls, the booze and the partying is all getting to me! (Who are you kidding? The last time you attended a party which had girls was way back in school!)

As a last resort, to get away from the self imposed torpor, the mind turns itself to the blog. The all encompassing blabber it out space where the mind can roam around freely, without a care for the world. Not that it cares about the world in the first place (it will be entirely happy if it can have the unusually vivid and eidetic visuals of well, might as well come out with it, naked women in its dreams!) This does not however mean that I am a desperate virgin... What is wrong with this damned keyboard! Every time I try to type Virgo, it ends up coming out as virgin on the screen. I think this is some kind of a conspiracy to land me in a hot soup. I am not going to take this lying down quietly. I will complain to the manufacturers! I will cause mayhem till they put me behind bars! They can take all the money they want, they can have all my worldly belongings!

Just leave those naked women for me! :-)

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