Saturday, May 27, 2006

The Real Thing

I agree. The previous post was bad. However, it is better to read such poorly written blogs than to satiate your daily appetite for some reading, with the dismal news that reservation for backward classes has now been increased to 200%, meaning that even the seats that don't exist are reserved for backward class people, further meaning that open category or general category people cannot even dream about admission to higher education. Whew!

Okay, fine! I was kidding. The reservation has not been increased to 200%, it still lies at a miserly 189%. This figure was derived by the politicians using highly mathematical operations, considering the various populations in the country, their economic status and above all, their votability i.e. the fraction of the population that is above 18 years of age. The actual figure came out to be 180%, but they put in the extra nine percent for good measure.

Most of my articles are the source of some minor controversies. I have irked females, guy gays, lesbians, some guy lesbians, politicians, their dogs, gay politicians dogs', gay dogs of politicians. To summarise, I have irked a lot of people with my blog articles. I don't intend to irk the minority community with this article. I don't have anything against them. The reason that they are fooled by the politicians gimmicks is because they are uneducated. Imagine a backward caste person (who doesn't even have a primary education) hearing about the increase in the reservation quota. "Hey!", he will think, "That's a great move! I don't have a primary education, but I might be able to get admission to Medical College! I probably will have to sell my land for affording the education, but what the heck! I will have a Dr. before my name!" As has been oft repeated, backward category (if I may dare use the word. I am not racist, its just that I am not aware of the "politically" correct way of calling these people) people require financial aid rather than reservations. They require financial aid for primary and secondary education, dammit! Why are you offering them more seats at the higher education level? Teach them the basics first and make them independent. But then, the electoral outcomes will be disastrous, won't they?

Hmm... It feels good to write after all these days. I am not entirely happy with the outcome of this article. Not entirely funny, but then there is seriously very little humour to be found in such a grave issue anyway. I am so glad to have gotten back to publishing that I don't care if some pro-reservation guy/gal (no gender bias in my language! :-)) calls me up in the middle of the night because my article has irked him/her. That I can handle. As I have handled the calls of the females, guy gays, lesbians, some guy lesbians, politicians, their dogs, gay politicians dogs', gay dogs of politicians.


Shiva said...
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Shiva said...

Sexy Post dude... we medicos are fighting our guts out against this crazy move by the govt..

Been protesting, rallying, candle marching, hungerstriking, being lathi charged, arrested, more rallying, more sloganeering, more criticism of Arjun Singh...

Protesting is tougher than i thought.