Saturday, May 27, 2006

Continuation sheet

In Engineering Design, whenever you have to continue your calculations, you use the continuation sheet. My mind is still on the same page as yesterday, but there are many thoughts that I would still like to pen down. So, consider this article as a continuation from where I left off yesterday.

From my previous article, you will recall (if you don't recall, scroll down the page and read the previous article, you dummy! Duh! :-)) I was speaking about the reservation issue. These days, with the rising population of India and the increased per capita income, it has become virtually impossible for anyone to get a train reservation. No, no! Not that reservation! I was just kidding, the point that was to be made is about reservation quotas. These days, even in railways, you have these reservation quotas. It's really funny. The day after they introduce these quotas, we will see three toilets (instead of the usual two) in each coach of long distance trains. One Indian style, one Western style and one with the words RESERVED printed on it's doors. Imagine the plight of the foreign long distance traveller who MUST visit the loo and finds that only the RESERVED toilet is vacant. He has no option but to rush in and relieve himself. This is when the vigilant railway officers (again, belonging to the backward classes) will break in and ask him just what the hell does he think he is doing. He will probably be asked to first produce proof that he is from the backward community and then he will be asked a million questions about his ancestors, such as if they were ever tortured, mutilated, fondled, called racist names, etc etc, by the upper caste classes. Then they will move on to asking him about his financial well-being and whether he thinks he can apply for EBC scholarship. Of course, the foreigner doesn't fit in any of this, therefore, he is fitted out of the toilet. Rather, he is lifted out of the toilet. But then, this is all crap (if you get my drift) and this is all just a figment of my imagination. I should stop writing about such obscene and gross things. There are more important issues to think about, such as the possible outbreaks of violence between pro-reservation and anti-reservation people, whether the outcome of this move will indeed be a shining India, what is going to be served for lunch, whether I will be successful in implementing my new diet strategy, whether the movie The DaVinci Code will change christianity as we know it. So many important things to think of than simply talking about foreginers shitting in RESERVED toilets! :-)

I know, I know. I have drifted from the topic at hand. But I sincerely believe that whatever the leaders of the nation are doing is really in the best interests of the nation! I am sure that pretty soon we are going to see a really bright and shining India. I am sure I will appreciate it from the United States of America. I have already applied for citizenship there! ;-)

1 comment:

Shiva said...

Your satire is outstanding.